The genealogy tourism and the roots tourism

2023: Discover your Italian roots!
In Italy, the national tourist offering and the local tourist systems have largely adapted to the contemporary tourism new ways, characterized by facets that follow the needs and demand of tourists from all over the world and during all over the year, a seasonally adjusted tourism and free from a certain homogenization, which has surpassed the canons of the august holidays with seaside tourism or ski holidays in the ski season.
Find your italian roots
By stimulating tourism towards diversified contents, the whole territory of our beautiful country promotes an integrated approach that offers and enhances the variety and uniqueness of its cultural, naturalistic, anthropological, architectural and food and wine heritages, handed down and shared through the knowledge, talents and the local traditions. Alongside the old style of seasonal and weekend tourism, we find new forms of tourist uses such as the so-called return tourism, the roots tourism and the so-called residential tourism.
Visit italian small village
In both cases, historic villages and smaller towns, intended as off the main circuit of mass tourism and, so, less known by the mass, become places of interest. Small villages, provincial towns and even large Italian cities whisper tales of life stories, near and far, since when families were forced to separate for a better life. That’s why rediscovering Italy, visiting Campania, Naples, Sorrento its coast or the Amalfi coast is the new trend in tourism.
South Italian ancestors
There are those who set out on a journey to rediscover their roots, in those countries from which they once departed for unknown places and, often, far away, where today we go to reconcile with that part of family and genealogical history, breathed through the words of a grandmother or a father who told about it. Being a tourist not by chance but by choice means giving meaning to your journey by making it unique, special, learning more about the culture and the places where your ancestors grew up, rediscovering Italian cuisine, art and customs.